Managing Director's Desk

Mr.C.Arun Babu,
Managing Director,
SCAD Group of Institutions
My memories of SCAD Polytechnic College starts on an afternoon in 1997, when then Tamil Nadu Minister, laid the foundation stone of the building for SCAD Polytechnic College. I could witness the ceremony as a Third standard school student where I had the glimpse of a guard of honour for the first time.
Our family lived there in that beautiful pollution free campus during that inauguration period. So always I have an affinity towards that campus. Unforgettable are those days… up to 2000, I spent at the College campus in Cheranmahadevi. I still remember every tree and every corner of that beautiful college campus. Things must have changed. New structures and buildings might have arisen.
Regardless, in a moment, in my heart, I can still feel and recall the ambience of my ‘abode’ for those years. The Lord Almighty also gave me a chance to serve as Managing Director of the college for the past 10 years and thus I know their excellent performance in academics and also in extracurricular activities. Especially now they are fully concentrating on skill development of students and to be placed them in higher salaries.
The Silver Jubilee Celebrations of SCAD Polytechnic , is indeed a time of great joy to all of us. It is a time to look back and give thanks to the Lord Almighty for providing twenty-five blessed years of service to the society in and around Cheranmahadevi, a rural area. During these twenty-five years, the college has put an indelible impression in the history and played a vital role in molding the life of all rural community students, and reached the unreached.
I remember with gratitude the efforts of all Principals, along with the faculties, the general staff and the management, in molding the college to its present status. If the managements, staff, students and even parents have an undying thirst for excellence that is ever aiming at the stars, our institutions of learning can become creative and climb the ladder of excellence.
Let me conclude by remembering that Silver Jubilee is the time for rededicating our commitment to the society.