Mobile and Web App
To become a leading Mobile and Web Application solution provider in providing quality services in the competitive global marketplace.
To provide innovative, cost-effective, high-quality Mobile Apps, Web design & development, and product-based solutions to the customer needs
What we do
Our objective is to provide continuous training to the students in the field of Mobile and Web Application Development and provide a platform to showcase their ideas in national and international competitions. We are promoting research in the field of advancements in Native, Cross-platform and Hybrid Mobile apps and Web Applications by providing a continuous learning environment.
Product Developed
SI.No | Product Name | Product Description |
1 | Third Eye for Blind People |
- 179 students took part in the Intercollegiate Hackathon in 2024, and eight of them won prizes.
- Three teams participated in the Smart India Hackathon
- won first place in the SCAD College of Engineering and Technology's "Innover 2k'24" project contest.
- won third place in the Innovest 2k'24 project contest. carried out at FX College of Engineering
- won first place in the Er. Perumal Manimekalayai Polytechnic College, Hosur, paper presentation competition.
- Won 1st prize in Poster Design and won 3rd prize in paper presentation in Gracio 2k'23 held at FX Polytechnic College in Tirunelveli.
- Participated MSME IDEA HACKATHON 3.0 (WOMEN) Level -1 held at FX Engineering College Institution) Tirunelveli.
- Won 2nd prize with cash in SCAD College of Engineering and Technology hosted a State Level Project Contest -INNOVER 2K'23 on March 20, 2023.
- On 2/2/23, the Speak for India competition was place at St. John's College in Palayamkottai, Palyamkottai. Out of the sixteen pupils that took part, one was chosen to move on to the next stage.
- On 26/1/2023 DEXTEROUS TECH’23, a STATE LEVEL TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM was held at Hi-Tech Polytechnic College. We Won 1st and 2nd places with cash prices.
- Won 1st prize in product Idea Contest which is conducted by BMESI-BIT Chapter & Biomedical Engineering from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology.
Staff Incharge

Mr .T. Kasimuthu B.E., M.B.A.,