Guest lectures provide students with alternative perspectives and opinions about their respective field of studies. The guest lecturers give students various aspects of a definite topic and they usually clarify students’ doubts. In our SCAD Polytechnic College, each department arranges guest lectures and seminars in every academic semester. Today (20/09/2023), the department of EEE conducted a guest lecture. Dr. S. Saravanan, Assistant Professor/EEE, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, was the resource person. He taught the students on the topic - The Internet of Things(IOT). Students actively participated in the seminar, they raised their doubts and it was clarified by the resource person. Ms. M.S. Priya, Lect/EEE coordinated this event.

Event Info

  • Date2023-09-20
  • AddressSCAD Polytechnic College