National Service Scheme

Mahatma Gandhiji well said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Education is not worthy until and unless we don’t have any feeling of social service and we don’t use our education for the welfare of society. NSS is one of the platforms which helps the students to inculcate a sense of social service and motivate them to contribute for the betterment of the society. NSS also helps in developing the personality of volunteers. We conducted awareness campaigns on many issues like save a girl child and educate her, child abuse, women empowerment, child labour, breast cancer, covid vaccination Road safety Helmet Awareness, Aids Awareness programme, Blood Donation Camp, Tree Plantation. Yoga day, youth day, NSS day,

Special Camp

The NSS Units of Polytechnic Colleges conduct a 7-day Special Camping Programme in the adopted villages 3 to 5 years continuously after devising strategies for implementing various need-based & welfare oriented programs for the benefit of the community, like medical camp, cancer awareness, anti-tobacco awareness, tree plantation, road safety awareness, plastic ban awareness, fire prevention, etc.

Staff Incharge

Mr. Prathip M

Programme Officer, SCAD Polytechnic College